Stop Sadiq Khan's Toll Tax — Neil Garratt
Neil Garratt

Sadiq Khan’s Outer London Toll Tax

Petition, to the mayor of london

We the undersigned oppose the Greater London Boundary Charge, and any similar plan to impose a road toll for entering Greater London.

We call on the Mayor to abandon his plan, halt the preparatory work, and commit to maintain toll-free entry to Greater London.

Sign The Petition

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Croydon & Sutton boundary toll image wide.jpeg

Stop The Toll Tax

Sadiq Khan’s Toll Tax would kill outer London boroughs like Croydon and Sutton. Let’s stop it before it starts - sign the petition.

The London Mayor is planning to turn the London boundary into a digital toll gate. He calls it his Outer London Boundary Charge, I call it highway robbery. Cameras at the border of London Boroughs and the home counties would charge people £5.50 per day for entering, or £3.50 for lower emissions vehicles.

As your London Assembly member for Croydon and Sutton I will fight Mayor Khan’s Boundary Charge every step of the way.

Can it be true?

When people first hear it, they can’t believe it. But it’s true: Labour’s Mayor Khan is planning a £5.50 Congestion Charge style road toll covering the whole of London. People from outside London driving into Greater London would have to pay it.

He hopes Londoners will shrug because London-registered vehicles would be exempt. But it would be a hammer blow to London businesses just as they’re recovering from the pandemic, and cut Londoners off from friends and family living elsewhere.

And if Mayor Khan charges people to drive in, what’s to stop County Councils around London charging us to drive out? We need to stop this before it starts.

Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash


What would it mean?

Friends or family living outside London would have to pay £5.50 to visit you. Staff living outside London would pay £5.50 every day to drive to work in Croydon or Sutton. Customers and suppliers would pay £5.50 to visit shops or businesses inside London, even just over the boundary.

It would kill trade and drive companies to relocate.

Communities that straddle the boundary would be cut in half, charging some people £5.50 to drive to the end of their own street.

Epsom and St Helier Hospital covers Sutton and Surrey. Patients and visitors living in Surrey would pay £5.50 to drive to Sutton or St Helier, on top of any parking charge. What would this mean for the new £500 million acute hospital planned for Sutton?

It would kill any Croydon town centre regeneration. Any major project like Westfield is based on attracting customers from a large catchment area beyond London - Mayor Khan’s £5.50 toll would kill that plan, and Croydon’s hopes with it.

And once he’s brought it in, what are the chances of him removing it? Or lowering the price?

What can I do?

Sign the petition.

Tell your friends.

Get involved.

Vote Conservative - as your Mayor of London, Shaun Bailey will scrap this plan on day one.

 News about the Boundary Charge